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I don't know why I took this picture of part of the cement wall that holds the I-5 bridge up but after I did. It looks like "paintings" on the wall. Do you see them? Click to enlarge to see a better view of it. If not odd, definitely strange.
I liked that one in any context. It has atmosphere, suitable mellow and misty colours, nice composition - as well as the paintings...
Mine was a big miss.
for the paintings, I don't know, but I like very much this strong iron and metal arcitecture!it's an unusual way to show a bridge...
It is a good image but I think the 'paintings' are serendipitous.
This was my first OddShot for a while too.
I am SO glad you decided to post an Odd Shot again Paulie! This was a very good choice. It does look like it has paintings! Cool! I have been a blogging fool today! LOL Everything worked. I posted Odd Fellows.
Cool picture.
They do look like paintings. Interesting perspective.
The fog will do interesting things. I am glad you have not abandoned Odd Shots altogether. Do play whenever you feel like it. Don't feel obligated to participate avery time.
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