Sunday, January 4, 2009

Bridges Between - January 2009

RuneE is sponsoring this monthly challenge on the first Monday of every month. Bridges Between is subject to open interpretation.

We have a long trail that goes from one side of the city to the other, following Burnt Bridge Creek. At one time this little bridge was the end of the trail.
It's a great place to watch the ducks in the spring and summer but even they know when to head for warmer shelter when the snows blanket the earth.

People here in this city of Vancouver, WA appreciate the outdoors and have made a lot of walking trails. Eventually, funds were available to extend this trail beyond this little bridge where it ended 20 years ago. It had only 4 miles built along this creek until then. THUS, this little bridge represents the "between" part of the old trail and the newer addition. It is truly a bridge between the old and the new trail.

I walked over this snowy bridge during our 2nd snowfall of this winter about two weeks ago.


Katney said...

Great bridge, Paulie. And great snow!

Lew said...

Beautiful take on the theme! And a gorgeous place. You have some great snow scenes this winter. I still stop by the Kiggins house remodel to see if any more progress.

Laila said...

A nice bridge between the old and new trail. I love the look of it.

Rune Eide said...

A peaceful bridge if ever I have seen one - a proper place to ponder both this and that. And get some good exercise at the same time!

Anne-Berit said...

Beautiful photos,and a beautiful little bridge.

Malyss said...

This time the bridge is a real one , not a symbolic one;I like this idea to make trails Beautyful pictures!

EG CameraGirl said...

I love to hear that a town or city preserves land for walking trails. I live in such a community too!

becky aka theRAV said...

I see nothing wrong with your photos. There were a few I really liked such as this 2nd bridge, the simplicity of the twigs sticking up from the snow, the birds, etc. All very good in my book.

Cindi said...

What a scenic place you have there.

dot said...

Nice pictures. Sounds like a great place to walk and enjoy the outdoors.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

that is a lot of snow you have there - we had some for two days but it is gone now

About Me

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WELCOME to my blog. I hope you will return often.

I am on my third digital camera, all Olympus. I enjoy using it and sharing my photos. I also enjoy writing. I hope to share a little of each on this blog. My main blog is Postcards From the Northwest.

Kerri and I will continue to add benches to "For the Love of Benches Continued . . . " blog also. It is good to continue to share with her!

Continuation of the Kiggins House Re-model photos were lost when my computer crashed.

The latest city project, TURTLE PLACE, will unfold here as I have time to add photos. It is complete and maybe I can find enough photos someday to show you the final results. Next project after the two I am working on now. . .

Blog Your Blessings Sunday