Monday, November 10, 2008

One of the most colorful Autumns I have experienced!


Rune Eide said...

The autumn may have its sad moments, but you can't beat it for the enormous amount of colours it produces. As you have shown here.

Katney said...


When do you think it will snow?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't it seem a shame to rake them all up? Lol... I'll take any excuse to pass up that chore ;-)

You have some real winners in there!

Malyss said...

So much different shapes and so much colors...what a palette!

Linda said...

All very lovely and colorful. Aren't you glad you don't have to rake them up.

PS:the bubble in my picture was the window in a Chicnook Helicopter.

SandyCarlson said...

These are beautiful autumn images!

(The Submariner memorial was dedicated in 1995.)

Anonymous said...

You're right!
It has been beautiful. Some of the earlier trees have lost their leaves already but enough still hold on to cause ohs and ahs to come forth whenever I am out driving. I've made some pictures and will share them in time. Right now, I'm sitting in our living room with the door open to the storm door. The large Maple at our deck is just visible through the door at one edge. I tried to take a shot from my position because every time I look up, I see those beautiful golden leaves. It didn't show up as well as I would have liked. I feel so blessed, "Only God could paint a Fall."

storyteller said...

I do appreciate you sharing all your autumn color … thanks!
Hugs and blessings,

About Me

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WELCOME to my blog. I hope you will return often.

I am on my third digital camera, all Olympus. I enjoy using it and sharing my photos. I also enjoy writing. I hope to share a little of each on this blog. My main blog is Postcards From the Northwest.

Kerri and I will continue to add benches to "For the Love of Benches Continued . . . " blog also. It is good to continue to share with her!

Continuation of the Kiggins House Re-model photos were lost when my computer crashed.

The latest city project, TURTLE PLACE, will unfold here as I have time to add photos. It is complete and maybe I can find enough photos someday to show you the final results. Next project after the two I am working on now. . .

Blog Your Blessings Sunday