Friday, February 13, 2009

More December ice and snow

CLICK in these to see the ice better,


Malyss said...

All those pictures are really great!The branches are so thin but carrying the snow anyway, and the grass, each with a little snow on the head! i like each of your photos;
PS: I answered to your question about the narrow streets on my blog.

Rune Eide said...

Not much snow for you to play with - but you have been playing with your camera! And with good results as far as I can see. I think I prefer the last one since it has such a great depth due to the roads "leading" the eye into the picture.

Linda said...

wow, some very cold weather your having. We had a warm spell this week. It was great. Beautiful pictures.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm glad to see you have some snow. Rain washed a lot of ours away but more snow will arrive shortly...says Environment Canada. ;-) I'm always intrigued by tree limbs outlined by snow. I think it's beautiful.

SandyCarlson said...

Beautiful snow! Enjoy!

Cindi said...

I love the tree with the ice laden branches...beautiful!

About Me

My photo
WELCOME to my blog. I hope you will return often.

I am on my third digital camera, all Olympus. I enjoy using it and sharing my photos. I also enjoy writing. I hope to share a little of each on this blog. My main blog is Postcards From the Northwest.

Kerri and I will continue to add benches to "For the Love of Benches Continued . . . " blog also. It is good to continue to share with her!

Continuation of the Kiggins House Re-model photos were lost when my computer crashed.

The latest city project, TURTLE PLACE, will unfold here as I have time to add photos. It is complete and maybe I can find enough photos someday to show you the final results. Next project after the two I am working on now. . .

Blog Your Blessings Sunday