Sunday, February 15, 2009


If you want to join ODD SHOTS, see Katney

CLICK on to enlarge to see the creatures on the gate.
Well, maybe I found one that might be called odd since it is so ornate in a neighborhood of regular gates. . . can you see all the creatures on the gate? I see a mermaid, a whale, a fish (several), an octopus, a seahorse and who knows what else. I don't know if that is the signature of the artist or not. . . The rest of the yard was filled with palm trees so maybe they moved here from Hawaii or another island paradise?


Rune Eide said...

It would have been a magnificent for an aquarium or some such thing. Now I would called it slightly overdone...

PS There is en error in the address you gave Mr. Linky. It can be corrected if you click on it once more. There is a description of how to do this on the Sky Watch home page.

PPS Thank you for the nice comments!

Malyss said...

I also see a frog, a turtle, a neptune,..I don't know if they feel nostalgy for somewhere, but the one who made his iron work is quite an artist!!

Gypsy at heart said...

Nice work. Obviously very meaningful to the owners. Must be a story there.....

Katney said...

What a fancy gate!

I fixed your link on the Mr. Linky. Now I've learned how to do that.

Jane Hards Photography said...

That really is quite an ornate gate to ago laong woth an already very pink house.

Mamapippa ... said...

It's a creative gate, but I would't want it at my garden ... But it's a great odd shot !

Cindi said...

Yes, it's creative, but definitely not my cup of tea. It must have taken a long time to create it.

SandyCarlson said...

That is one amazing gate! Wow. I guess they know what they like!

EG CameraGirl said...

I must admit I have never seen a gate quite like that. Unique and that's for sure. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Very unusual and unique.

Thanks so much for the card and the sweet comment.
Mama Bear

becky aka theRAV said...

It is very pretty & colorful. A bit flamboyant like the gates of Graceland but I like it. Thanks for your comments on mine. said...

great odd shot! it would be interesting to know what inspired the land owner, but it is still interesting none the less!

Julie said...

What a wonderful gate, not something I would like on my yard but definitely one I would love to see.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting and quite the attention getter... kinda ironic (pun intended)!

Anonymous said...

Dolphin, shark, whale, Neptune, mermaid, assorted fish, octopus, seahorse and a very strange critter with hands under the signature... the artist perhaps.
A super gate and entry (pun intended).

Gattina said...

Makes me think of the gate in Graceland, at Elvis' home, only that looked not so odd ! This color is so ugly for a gate !

Lilli & Nevada said...

Wow! i bet that cost a pretty penny to buy that gate, It sure is pretty.

dot said...

A very unusual fence. Maybe you can find out more about it.

rob said...

That's weird! and also quite.."kitch" !

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I am on my third digital camera, all Olympus. I enjoy using it and sharing my photos. I also enjoy writing. I hope to share a little of each on this blog. My main blog is Postcards From the Northwest.

Kerri and I will continue to add benches to "For the Love of Benches Continued . . . " blog also. It is good to continue to share with her!

Continuation of the Kiggins House Re-model photos were lost when my computer crashed.

The latest city project, TURTLE PLACE, will unfold here as I have time to add photos. It is complete and maybe I can find enough photos someday to show you the final results. Next project after the two I am working on now. . .

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