Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lilacs everywhere!

I love their fragrance! My favorite are the white ones -- HOW about you?


cieldequimper said...

Isn't their scent just wonderfully heady?

Anonymous said...

This was not a flower I was familiar with growing up. I saw a bush at the Botanical Garden last year and didn't know what they were until I looked for the marker. They are lovely. I don't know about the fragrance though.
Mama Bear

Malyss said...

I like the pink lilacs.
We must wait a year long for such a short blossom; but it's worth of it, it's so beautyful!

Katney said...

I must go find some to photogrpah for Yakima Valley Daily Photo--and maybe some to plant--far from the house as I think Hubby is allergic to them.

EG CameraGirl said...

The lilacs are gorgeous and oh! how I love their aroma! I think I can smell yours. ;-)

Rune Eide said...

Lilac and flowers go together. It is the season - I wait for my rhododendron of that colour!

PS Thank you for the comment - a bit of cropping often helps!

SandyCarlson said...

I haven't gotten a decent lilac photo yet, so yours more than make up the difference. These are perfection!

Anonymous said...

I can smell them in Indiana! Pretty, too.


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WELCOME to my blog. I hope you will return often.

I am on my third digital camera, all Olympus. I enjoy using it and sharing my photos. I also enjoy writing. I hope to share a little of each on this blog. My main blog is Postcards From the Northwest.

Kerri and I will continue to add benches to "For the Love of Benches Continued . . . " blog also. It is good to continue to share with her!

Continuation of the Kiggins House Re-model photos were lost when my computer crashed.

The latest city project, TURTLE PLACE, will unfold here as I have time to add photos. It is complete and maybe I can find enough photos someday to show you the final results. Next project after the two I am working on now. . .

Blog Your Blessings Sunday